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The Joy of Sponsorship!

Directly Help a Child or Young Woman in Nepal and Bhutan !

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Sponsorship is a Heartwarming Way to Connect

Use the Form Above to Donate With a Credit Card.

Other Ways to Donate:

Check: Send a check with the designated project and your address to: Shechen c/o Arabella Advisors, 1441 Broadway, Suite 2002, New York 10018,

Bank Transfer: For information on how to send bank transfers

Shechen needs your support for the growing number of children and women wanting to study and practice in our facilities. We provide for their education, food, lodging, clothing, books, and medical care. Our sponsorship programs have been operating continuously since the mid 1980's and provide support for boys in Nepal and women and girls in Bhutan.

Becoming a sponsor means you connect to and help an individual and the community as a whole. The person you sponsor is your "ambassador" to Shechen, and annually you will receive a letter and photo from them.

Your annual or recurring sponsorship donation makes it possible for us to educate and support over 400 people.

Sponsorship is a heartwarming and direct way to connect to someone across the globe and watch them develop and grow.


Two hundred and forty boys, aged 4 to 14, live in the monastery hostel in Baudha, Nepal, and are completely cared for by the monastery. They are educated in the Shechen School and taught an integrative monastic-secular curriculum.

In addition to a traditional monastic education, they receive a modern education from kindergarten to 12th grade that includes English, math, science, and other subjects. Students receive a government high school diploma once they complete their studies. After graduation they can attend the Shechen philosophical college or another institution of higher education.

Most of the students come from remote mountain villages. Shechen provides a perfect opportunity for them to receive an education, and they have the choice in the future either to remain in the monastery or lead a secular life.


Support Women in the Dharma! When you sponsor a Shechen nun you give a young woman or girl a chance to receive an education and to pursue a spiritual life continuing a precious lineage.

One hundred and eighty nuns live, practice meditation, and are educated in two rural Shechen nunneries and a retreat center. Shechen Orgyen Chodzong Nunnery located near Thimphu, Bhutan provides a complete training and education for women, including a nine-year shedra or philosophical college course and English classes. There is a three-year retreat facility on the premises, and a new large temple is presently under construction.The nuns teach, perform ceremonies, and learn scared dance and music. They are taught by Shechen Khenpos (professors) and senior nuns.

A smaller nunnery, Shechen Nelung Drechen Ling, located, in the beautiful Valley of the Cranes, is home to 40 younger girls ages who are just entering into the path of Buddhism. They are looked after and taught by senior Shechen nuns.

At Shechen, women and girls are taught self-respect, independence, and an education equal to what their male counterparts in Nepal receive.

Become a sponsor and be part of giving an education and meaning to someone's life

Your tax-deductible ANNUAL contribution of only $250 goes towards the support of a child or nun and also helps to sustain the community as a whole.

This is a rare opportunity to help young people inherit the richness of their own culture and to preserve a vital link for future generations.

Testimonial from a Shechen Sponsor:

Being a sponsor is great. Not only do sponsors have the opportunity to support the material and spiritual needs of the monks and nuns at Shechen, but sponsorship contributions help to sustain the practice and study of Buddhism more generally, something that can only help the world in these troubled times. My wife and I have enjoyed receiving the regular newsletter updates from Shechen monastery, as well as letters and photos from those we support, but those are just bonuses. The real benefit of sponsorship is the opportunity to help others, something that is always worth doing. ~Stephen Blake

Thank You!

Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and the nuns of Ogyen Chodzong in Bhutan